Popsicle Industries

Douglass Hagan features the best and brightest in indie rawk, every Monday morning, from 9 to 11 on 89.3 WCSB Cleveland. Don't worry...you out-of-towners can listen live at wcsb.org! Email requests to DouglassHagan@gmail.com This blog is not officially affiliated with WCSB or Cleveland State University. The content herein is solely the responsibility of the author.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Hey hey! It's 2007 and I SWEAR I'm going to remember to do my show tomorrow! I had some great subs fill in for me over the past three weeks and my absence was well-spent. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for stories of my conquests!

ps: I got some new music for Christmas... all stuff that was either missing from the station or that we never had... including: Margot & the Nuclear So and So's The Dust of Retreat, The Decemberists' The Crane Wife (I'm sure it's there somewhere), and Broken Social Scene's You Forgot it in People, which was stolen from me some three years ago when I worked at Teany!
Ah, sweet justice has been served! Well, not quite...

Anyway, listen in tomorrow morning from 9 to 11 on 89.3, Cleveland or wcsb.org!


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