Popsicle Industries

Douglass Hagan features the best and brightest in indie rawk, every Monday morning, from 9 to 11 on 89.3 WCSB Cleveland. Don't worry...you out-of-towners can listen live at wcsb.org! Email requests to DouglassHagan@gmail.com This blog is not officially affiliated with WCSB or Cleveland State University. The content herein is solely the responsibility of the author.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Weird Week

Anyone else have a totally ridiculous week last week? Record heat, record snow, and all sorts of personal stuff I won't bother to go into right here... Let's hope this week straightens out!

1. Low: "Starfire" (Wednesday at the Grog Shop!)
2. Reindeer Section: "If There is I Haven't Found it Yet"
3. Cat Power: "The Greatest"
4. Neko Case: "Margaret vs Pauline"
5. Audible: "From the Third Floor"

6. Broken Social Scene: "7/4 (Shoreline)"
7. The Sea and Cake: "Sound and Vision"
8. Air Miami: "Special Angel"
9. Lost in the Trees: "If You're Afraid of the Dark"
10. Loney Dear: "Carrying Stone" (Wednesday at the Grog Shop!)

11. Josh Ritter: "Good Man"
12. Sufjan Stevens: "He Woke Me Up Again"
13. Beirut: "Elephant Gun"
14. Peter Bjorn & John: "Amsterdam"
15. Jens Lekman: "Black Cab"

16. Suburban Kids with Biblical Names: "Trees and Squirrels"
17. JJ Magazine: "Note"
18. The Apples in Stereo: "Play Tough"
19. The Shins: "Phantom Limb"
20. Air: "Mayfair Song"

21. Air: "Left Bank"
22. Joan of Arc: "I Love a Woman (Who Hates Me)"
23. American Footbal: "Never Meant"
24. Jets to Brazil: "Chinatown"
25. Versus: "Thera"

26. Voxtrot: "Missing Pieces"


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