Weird Week
Anyone else have a totally ridiculous week last week? Record heat, record snow, and all sorts of personal stuff I won't bother to go into right here... Let's hope this week straightens out!
1. Low: "Starfire" (Wednesday at the Grog Shop!)
2. Reindeer Section: "If There is I Haven't Found it Yet"
3. Cat Power: "The Greatest"
4. Neko Case: "Margaret vs Pauline"
5. Audible: "From the Third Floor"
6. Broken Social Scene: "7/4 (Shoreline)"
7. The Sea and Cake: "Sound and Vision"
8. Air Miami: "Special Angel"
9. Lost in the Trees: "If You're Afraid of the Dark"
10. Loney Dear: "Carrying Stone" (Wednesday at the Grog Shop!)
11. Josh Ritter: "Good Man"
12. Sufjan Stevens: "He Woke Me Up Again"
13. Beirut: "Elephant Gun"
14. Peter Bjorn & John: "Amsterdam"
15. Jens Lekman: "Black Cab"
16. Suburban Kids with Biblical Names: "Trees and Squirrels"
17. JJ Magazine: "Note"
18. The Apples in Stereo: "Play Tough"
19. The Shins: "Phantom Limb"
20. Air: "Mayfair Song"
21. Air: "Left Bank"
22. Joan of Arc: "I Love a Woman (Who Hates Me)"
23. American Footbal: "Never Meant"
24. Jets to Brazil: "Chinatown"
25. Versus: "Thera"
26. Voxtrot: "Missing Pieces"
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